Help Needed

From Sequoia Fabrica

These are some tasks Sequoia Fabrica is looking for help with! We will place filled roles on the Roles page.

What Description Time Commitment People Needed
Teaching Classes We're looking for Members who'd like to help teach classes in woodworking, soldering, textile arts, 3d printing and more. These classes often serve as an introduction for new people to the space and get people excited about using equipment and making! 2-3 hours/class Unlimited
Hosting meetups, project hours We need Members to propose and host meetups, and coordinate for partner events or open project nights. These activities build community, help members and visitors develop new skills, and get Sequoia Fab donations so we can sustain our workshop. 2-3 hours/each Unlimited
Machine maintenance We always love more help keeping our machines in top shape. This can include regular maintenance tasks such as cleaning, lubricating, and repair. We have 3d printers, a laser cutter, sewing and knitting machines, soldering irons and woodshop tools. 1-3 hours Unlimited
Major donor outreach / grant writing Well-versed in grant writing or outreach to philanthropic donors? We'd love your help to access grants and large gifts so we can make our workshop sustainable and expand our work. Variable 1-2
Newsletter We want to keep our audience up to date about upcoming events, as well as what we offer the community. 1-2 hour/week 1 on Newsletter